I meant to post yesterday with a weekly roundup, and now it’s today and it’s a new week. But my socks say Saturday, and every day is like Sunday, to quote Mozza – so we’ll allow it.
We’re another week further on – that’s always the first comfort I take.
School has been cancelled for the rest of the academic year – that means when they do go back they will have been out for 6 months. Wow. Distance learning is going OK for my girls – but they long to return to school and were very disappointed at the news. We know it’s for the best, though.
My squirrel continues to eat from my hand. She took a nut from Niamh too, but bit Caoimhe on the finger when she tried – so I know she is a creature of rare judgement and exceptional taste. LOL.
My azalea bush is trying her best, bless her wee heart. I bet she wishes she hadn’t bothered – but she was lulled into a false sense of security by a couple of milder temps between last week’s snow and today’s 45 degrees.
I hate gardening, but I like that bush because hummingbirds come to it. I doubt it this year, though – it’s still cold and I bet she will have stopped blooming by Friday.

In what I like to think of as an exercise in hope rather than futility, I began my shawl competition entry for the New York State Fair (which has not yet been cancelled).
It’s the beautiful Aquarelle by Lidia Ziginova, using gorgeous Love Potion #3 from Gossamer Web. I wanted to begin it by April, instead I started May 1st. Oh well, still a full month earlier than I normally begin it – the goal being to have it done and sent before I go to Ireland in July. Yes, I am still hoping we can go home in July. Please do not tread on my dreams, anyone – they are keeping me going right now.

I have finished all my pre-requisite courses for my Masters – no more studying for me until September! Somehow, I ended up with a 99.3% average in Biology, although it befuddles me and I’m not good at it. I have no idea of my Sociology grade because the teacher has not graded one thing – assignment, test, paper – since the course started in January.
I have assignments that I submitted in January that are still ungraded. I submitted my final paper and finished the whole course on March 27th, and still not a single grade.
So yeah – not particularly happy about that. But it’s Sociology, I’m sure the grade will be OK…